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Student Enrolment Application(Onshore)

Student Enrolment Application (International Students)

1. Personal Details (as it appears on your passport)

Note: You Must be 18 year or older to submit an application
Residential Address
Residential Address
Postal Address
Postal Address

2. Qualification Details

Do you want to enroll in more than one course?

3. Unique Student Identifier

All students studying nationally recognised training in Australia are required to have a Unique Student Identifier

If you do not have a USI, you can apply at If you need help in applying for a USI then please speak with administration staff or Student Support Officer.

4. Employment Status

5. Educational Qualification

(Please provide details and certified copies of completed certificates)

Maximum file size: 10MB

Other Qualifications

6. English Language Proficiency

Is English your first language?
Do you speak a language other than English at home?
How well do you speak English?
Are you of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin?

Please attach a copy of a certified valid english language test result.

7. Disability

Do you have a disability, impairment or long-term condition?

8. Visa Details

Have you visited or studied in Australia before?
Have you breached any visa conditions?
Have you ever been refused a visa from entry in Australia?
Have you ever been convicted of a crime or offence in any country?

If Yes to any of the above, please attach a valid letter or proof for the same.

  • Please provide below details if VISA already approved.


Maximum file size: 5MB

9. Overseas Contact Details

Emergency Contact Information (Australian)

11. Declaration

Agent Declaration

Agent Declaration

declare to my best knowledge the information in this application is true and correct.
If your enrolment application is accepted, you will receive a formal letter of offer from the ORGANISATION confirming your enrolment and other information that will require a further declaration and signing.

13. EFT Payment Details

Bank SA
BSB: 105 900 Account number: 214092040
Account name: Solis College (Please insert your name and DOB for reference)

*Payment can be made by bank transfer only. Payment must be made in full prior to commencement of course.